Elixir for Programmers
07:19:57 Inglés Premium 02/05/2024 66 videos
Descripción del curso
But you want more. True mastery of Elixir comes from understanding the underlying idioms: functional programming, transformations, concurrency, and application structure. You need to know the tools, such as IEx and mix. And you need to understand the frameworks, such as OTP and Phoenix. This course will get you started down this road (and your experience will take you the rest of the way),
Section 1: Module 1
- 02 - Getting Started - Introduction to IEx 05:18
- 03 - Our First Project - Introduction 00:18
- 04 - Our First Project - Create a New Project 01:31
- 05 - Our First Project - Run Some Code 03:42
- 06 - Our First Project - Write the Dictionary Module 11:35
- 07 - Our First Project - Refactor Into Pipelines 03:07
- 08 - Pattern Matching - Lists and Recursion 12:48
- 09 - Write the Hangman Game - Create the Application 08:16
- 10 - Write the Hangman Game - Think About the API 04:01
- 11 - Write the Hangman Game - Start Coding 09:53
- 12 - Write the Hangman Game - And Start Testing 07:53
- 13 - Write the Hangman Game - Pattern Matching Game State 08:22
- 14 - Write the Hangman Game - Check for Duplicate Moves 07:29
- 15 - Write the Hangman Game - Score a Good Guess 09:32
- 16 - Write the Hangman Game - Score a Bad Guess 05:40
- 17 - Write the Hangman Game - Refactor and Tidy Up 10:59
- 18 - Text Interface to the Game - Introduction 01:21
- 19 - Text Interface to the Game - Create the Project 10:03
- 20 - Text Interface to the Game - Write the Main Player 11:22
- 21 - Text Interface to the Game - Finish Up 19:04
- 22 - Refactor the Dictionary - A Refactoring to Separate the API 04:26
- 23 - Processes and Maintaining State - Why We're Looking at This Backwards 00:29
- 24 - Processes and Maintaining State - Spawning a New Process 03:37
- 25 - Processes and Maintaining State - Sending and Receiving Messages 03:47
- 26 - Processes and Maintaining State - Pattern Matching Messages 03:49
- 27 - Processes and Maintaining State - Linking Our Fate to Our Children's Fate 03:47
- 28 - Processes and Maintaining State - Agents—Simple State Holders 03:37
- 29 - Using an Agent for the Dictionary - The Plan 02:12
- 30 - Using an Agent for the Dictionary - Using an Agent for the Word List 03:25
- 31 - Make the Dictionary a Free Standing Application - What IS an Application 01:15
- 32 - Make the Dictionary a Free Standing Application - Wrap the Dictionary 09:13
- 33 - No, Mr Dictionary, I Expect You To Die - Nannies and Supervisors 03:06
- 34 - No, Mr Dictionary, I Expect You To Die - Write the Supervisor 08:12
- 35 - The Story So Far… - Supervisors and Servers 10:10
- 36 - Hangman: the OTP Server - Fixing a Poor Judgement Call 04:22
- 37 - Hangman: the OTP Server - Write a Hangman GenServer 08:47
- 38 - Hangman: the OTP Server - Change the API to Use the Server 07:08
- 39 - Hangman: the OTP Server - A Dynamic Cloud of Hangman Servers 09:44
- 40 - Hangman: the OTP Server - Other People Write This Differently 05:15
- 41 - Nodes and Distributed Elixir - Nodes and Naming 07:14
- 42 - Nodes and Distributed Elixir - Sending Messages Between Nodes Using IEx 13:15
- 43 - Nodes and Distributed Elixir - A Bigger Example—a Chain of Nodes 01:15
- 44 - Nodes and Distributed Elixir - Implementing the Chain 10:02
- 45 - Distributed Text Clients - A Quick API Change 01:54
- 46 - Distributed Text Clients - From Server to Service 02:09
- 47 - Distributed Text Clients - Use Hangman API Without Starting a Server 02:02
- 48 - Distributed Text Clients - Start Remote Server When TextClient Starts 06:08
- 49 - Getting Started with Phoenix - Introduction 02:02
- 50 - Getting Started with Phoenix - Installing Phoenix (and a Rant) 07:06
- 51 - Getting Started with Phoenix - Project Structure 08:30
- 52 - Getting Started with Phoenix - Rendering 02:20
- 53 - Getting Started with Phoenix - Assigns and @variables 03:16
- 54 - Getting Started with Phoenix - Phoenix—a Toolkit, Not a Framework 06:48
- 55 - Hangman and Phoenix - (Re)creating the Phoenix App With a Hangman Connection 09:58
- 56 - Hangman and Phoenix - An Initial Server 12:10
- 57 - Hangman and Phoenix - Add a Form 12:20
- 58 - Hangman and Phoenix - More Complex Helpers 17:19
- 59 - Hangman and Phoenix - Wrapping up: Add Graphics 12:56
- 60 - Channels and a Single Page App - Introduction to Phoenix Channels 05:06
- 61 - Channels and a Single Page App - Configuring Channel Support 07:38
- 62 - Channels and a Single Page App - Adding JavaScript 08:30
- 63 - Channels and a Single Page App - joining a Channel 01:47
- 64 - Channels and a Single Page App - Pushing the Tally from the Server 09:38
- 65 - Channels and a Single Page App - Introduction to Data Binding 04:13
- 66 - Channels and a Single Page App - Finish the Client 09:23
- 67 - Wrapping Up - I'm Done. You've Just Got started 06:23
About the Instructor
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