Thinking Like an Object-Oriented Programmer
04:29:52 Inglés Premium 30/04/2024 25 videos Descripción del curso
OOP is a mindset and a process. This course leads you towards understanding its power.
Section 1: Module 1
- 02 - Introduction 12:53
- 03 - Establishing Crucial Metaphors 08:18
- 04 - Application Lifecycle and Object Orientation 07:39
- 05 - Big Upfront Design: Object Oriented Analysis and Design 17:07
- 06 - Agile Methodology 11:44
- 07 - The Process can Affect the Design 06:18
- 08 - Abstracting the Real World into a Domain Model 07:10
- 09 - Establishing Roles and Delegating Responsibilities to Objects 08:38
- 10 - Contracts, Interfaces and Collaborations 08:40
- 11 - Collaborations and Object Role Stereotypes 05:42
- 12 - Collaborations: Conditions of Use and After Effect Guarantees 07:04
- 13 - Domain vs Application Specific Objects 09:51
- 14 - LeComponents as Neighborhoods of Objects 08:05
- 15 - Architectural Layers of Responsibility using Objects 08:24
- 16 - Designing Objects and Interactions Guided By Principles and Patterns 09:39
- 17 - Why Encapsulation? 16:42
- 18 - Why Implementation Inheritance? 14:47
- 19 - Why Interface Inheritance? 17:59
- 20 - Why Polymorphism? 07:16
- 21 - Understanding Relationships: Coupling and Dependency 10:58
- 22 - Understanding Relationships: Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection 13:18
- 23 - Understanding Relationships: Aggregation 08:24
- 24 - Understanding Relationships: Composition 14:57
- 25 - Understanding the Agile Analysis and Design Process using Visual Studio Team Services 24:45
- 26 - Where to Go From Here 03:34
About the Instructor